


Located in Taitung City and the beautiful Taitung Forest Park, Baosang Elementary school is the best place for education. Our campus has green trees and grass, beautiful flowers, and has the best environment for education. Baosang has valued the old tradition and has created a new era of characteristics, which is to develop good characters of our students as our responsibility.

在第三任校長 黃憲亭 先生的堅持下,寶桑國小開始有了自己的特色,他把學校打造成了一個台東縣內自然科的重點學校,當時,談話中一提到寶桑國小在腦海中自然就會浮現出〝自然科的代表〞,這種自然就像是想到酸梅就會流口水那般的自然一樣。同時,寶桑的第二個特色也開始悄悄的埋下種籽,也就是特教大樓的興建是始於黃校長的手中。
The third Principal, Mr. Xianting Huang has insisted to build our own school characteristics in the field of Natural Science. In addition, the special education building was built in the hands of Principal Huang.

第六任校長 陳榮華 先生特好桑樹,強調寶桑精神,由於地名寶桑雖然是出於原住民語,但與漢人的〝寶桑〞音同,因此,大量植「桑」,「桑」者可以養蠶取絲、其果可食,滋味甚美,功效強調補血、外觀可綠化校園,因此經濟效益非常之高,而且高貴不貴,其中「寶桑精神」謂之為人者雖為一,然其功能甚多,勿小覷自己、畫地自限,阻礙自己進步及學習,強調自省功夫,一如所謂自省者家齊,而後才能治國、平天下。強調特教為寶桑特色之一。
The sixth Principal, Mr. Ronghua Chen, used the mulberry tree to emphasize the spirit of Baosang. Although the geographical name of Baosang is from the Aboriginal language, it is pronunciated the same as "Baosang" of local Chinese and its meaning refers to the mulberry tree. The mulberry trees can be used for silkworm to produce the silk. The fruit also tastes good and is good for health. Thus, its function can be demonstrated not to underestimate one’s ability and not to hinder one’s own progress and learning, but to examine one’s learning in order to build a better home and country. The spirit of special education is also the main characteristics of our school.

第七任校長 邱明忠 先生強調國際觀、未來學校及教學e化,由於資訊化時代來臨,電腦科技的進步成等比級數成長,邱校長有鑑於此特別強調,為了有別於傳統教師備課花費較多時間,教師的教學必須e化,如此才能節省大量的時間,進行教師進修及學生的個別關懷,由於少子化及精緻化教學的趨勢,目前普通班有專款補助,因此班班有單槍,教師朝e化教學的目標前進,又由於縣內推行電子白板教學,本校在邱校長的領導下,成為縣內的七所試辦學校之ㄧ,在邱校長的辦學理念及遠景下,本校將成為縣內電子化教學的e學校。
The seventh principal, Mr. Mingzhong Chiu has focused on the international world view, the future school, and e-learning because of the advent of information technology and computer technology. Principal Chiu has promoted e-learning for teaching efficiency so that teachers can have more time to take care of individual student. Due to the low birth rate, the regular class has been funded with projectors, and electronic whiteboards under the leadership of Mr. Chiu. Our school has become the e-school in Taitung County.

第八任校長 李茂宗 先生認為教育是一種「工作」,也是一種「責任」,教師的使命就是做好「教育工作」。因此,以【進入校園,一切為教育】與全體教職同仁共勉。每個孩子都具有豐富的潛能,教師的責任,是設法開發每個孩子不同的能力,不一定要讓孩子學得「多」,但要讓孩子學得「好」。不同的植物,需要不同的生長環境,才能長得茂盛、茁壯。人也一樣,具備不同潛能的孩子,也需要不同的教育方式,才能有效開發其潛能。因此,教育的方式應是多元、多變的。 多元化的教育,能培養學生解決問題的能力,使學生有信心克服困難,化逆境為順境,最後成為有智慧、懂得品嚐生活樂趣的高手。隨著社會的進步,在日趨複雜的環境中,更需要培養孩子多元的能力,以適應未來生活的需要。
The eighth principal, Mr. Moachung Li, has regarded education as a kind of "work" and a "responsibility". The mission of the teacher is to "educate". Therefore, his leadrship was to“enter the campus, all for the education” and he encouraged all faculty colleagues to develop each child’s potential. The responsibility of teachers is to let the students learn well not necessarily to learn more as different plants need different growth environment to grow well. Children also need different ways of education in order to effectively develop their own potential. Therefore, the education strategies should be creative and multidimensional. Multidimensional education can cultivate students' ability to solve problems so that students have the confidence to overcome difficulties, and finally become intelligent to live their lives. With the progress of society and the increasingly complex environment, we need to cultivate children's diverse ability to meet the needs of future life.

現任校長 林庭瑤 先生相信每個孩子都具有可塑性,要把孩子塑造成什麼樣子,端看教師的智慧與耐心,而啟迪學生智慧、開發學生潛能、培養學生適應現代生活,及解決問題的多元能力,正是專業教師責無旁貸的責任,也是教育工作者的神聖使命。因此需要積極營造人性化的友善校園環境,建立親師生安全信任的校園組織氛圍,建構優質寶桑學習環境,培養全人格的優質寶桑兒童,相信寶桑一定會有不一樣的新風貌呈現.隨著新校舍的即將改建及雲端教學的開展,"相信改變"的動力正是新寶桑活力的泉源 . 學校現有學生總數353人,計有普通班11班,特教班6班,特教巡迴班3班,幼兒園4班,(含2班學前特幼),學生人數普通班243人(原住民籍學生98人),特教班41人,幼兒園60人(不含學前特幼9人)。
Mr. Tingyao Lin, the current principal believes that every child has different potentials. Teachers can enlighten students’ wisdom and develop their potentials as well as cultivate their abilities to adapt themselves to modern life with patience and wisdom. It is professional teachers’ responsibility and a divine mission of educators. Therefore, it is necessary to actively create a friendly campus environment, establish a campus atmosphere of trust for both teachers and students, build a high quality Baosang learning environment, and cultivate Baosang children with good characters. With the transformation of the new school building and the development of i-cloud teaching, the belief of "Believe in Change" is the fountain of Baosang vigor. The total number of students in the school is 353, including 11 regular classes, 6 special classes, 3 special tour classes, 4 kindergartens (including two classes of special Pre-kindergarten). The total number of students is 243 (including 98 aboriginal students), 41 students in special needs, 60 students in kindergarten (excluding 9 students in special needs).

From the year of 2013, our school has removed the school wall according to the county government’s urban and rural construction plans. The design was combined with the community streets through the school trail design which not only provided safety of students through the campus but also built the landscape with the community and the Museum of Art. Our school has become the first non-wall campus design in Taitung County to broaden the vision of students and teachers and to improve the landscape penetration and transparency of campus. Parents are welcomed to join the campus safety in the community. The new school’s renovation building project has been funded with 50 million NT dollars by the county government and the building architecture design selection has completed in December of 2013. In January 1, 2015, the school has started the reconstruction project. The construction period was expected to 350 days, and it was expected to be completed in mid-March, 2016. On April 13, 2016, the school’s reconstruction has completed and the school’s opening ceremony was held on that day. Our school has become the center of community development and has restarted the new chapter of Baosang community’s new era.